You work for a company that goes through many changes and variations. Word goes around on the dismissals, and you are worried you are next. If you've been a model employee and is remitted, in everything you do, make sure you ask these three questions as you put your pink slip are:
1. Ask for a letter of recommendation. They can help you land a new job, because it is positive to have a letter that celebrates you and your success. It shows prospective employers that your termination of a business decision and not because of any misconduct on your part. Most people forget to ask for it, and it is difficult to try to return later and ask for one.
2. Find out about severance pay. You are not automatically guaranteed that if by your employment contract, which was set required .. Usually a one-week severance for each year, where the activities for the company, but that may be negotiable. And especially if you recently completed an important project, is a respected, or achieve the main goal, make sure to remind them. It can buy you another week of severance pay they do not plan on it.
3. Are you entitled to unused vacation? In most cases the answer is no. Some companies you can roll over their unused time from one year to another, while others use it or lose it policy. Most companies in detail the provisions of the Employee Handbook, but ask for the can their unused vacation pay only a few dollars extra you earn can be paid just now.
You may not severance pay or vacation, and especially not if you do not ask. Remember, this is a very difficult situation to your boss is, so he or she may be willing to you more than planned. You never know if you try, at worst they can do is say no. If time passes, you will not have another opportunity to ask these questions again. Knowing ahead of time what to ask, you can trust to talk about themselves in this difficult time. Good luck!
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