Monday, February 21, 2011

Ways to determine your perfect career

Have you ever been trapped in his career? Staff stress and burn can change for a lot of dissatisfaction in your life. Finally, you are at work around 8 hours per day or more. That is 1 / 3 of the day when you take into account not sleep. This is like a long time dissatisfied.

If you feel trapped, here are 6 great ways to find your ideal career:

1. Brainstorm on a sheet of paper - I have discussed this before and it's a strategy I all the time. Take a sheet of paper and write on top of the goal in the form of questions. Then, just a list of 20 answers to your questions. For example, you could write: "What should I do with my time and my life?" Then half an hour sitting by one hour to find answers to this question. The key to this exercise is about 20 answers - not to leave until you have 20 answers. You can repeat every day, until the answer you want.

2. Ask three close friends - Sometimes our friends made us better than we know. mention at a meeting with one of his friends that they are at a crossroads in his life and his career. Ask what they think they love you. You may be surprised by the ease with which they can their strengths and skills and the report of a perfect work area goal.

3. Ask your boss and colleagues - like his friends in the above example, your boss and co-workers is most likely to see in a way not seen. In fact, it is probably better know their strengths and weaknesses in the work environment. Compile all the answers, they see both of them and whether any thread may be explored.

4. Call a headhunter - If you are looking for in your career, chances are you have a resume. Sometimes you can take a headhunter or recruiter during his time and be with them through what could be good pick. I have these are different times in my life and people seem willing to talk with people made. After all, if not paid, they are not. The ideas I get generally good.

5. Take a career assessment test - there are several sites that are in a position that could take one of these checks for a fee. But the use of point of my "scouts" in front of many scouts have this software and does not mind the test in his office. I have taken this test twice in my life and usually last an hour or two, but thoroughly. They ask you a series of questions to answer, which is good, what you are doing what they enjoy more of what does not prefer. If you take one, you may see some exciting new areas to explore in your life.

6. Keep a diary - Do you have a blog? If so, read on to find common elements in their writing. Keep your eyes open for trends and activities that you like, I do not like. In fact, frustrated the search for examples of what they do not like and what you find is almost as important as what I like. For example if you hate a boss overwhelming, probably as a self-directed position. If you're curious people might prefer to hate his own office.

Find out what you really want to do with your life, is the most important decision you can make. We spend 1 / 3 or more of our lives at work. To find the right job is important to keep a third of our lives happy and productive.


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